Fibrenamics takes fiber knowledge to Secondary Schools

21 Apr 2016News

Fibrenamics takes fiber knowledge to Secondary Schools

Fibrenamics takes fiber knowledge to Secondary Schools

Fibrenamics takes fiber knowledge to Secondary Schools

Over the past two months, Fibrenamics has introduced the extraordinary world of fibers to the 12th grade Chemistry classes of several secondary schools in the district of Braga. Didáxis Cooperativa de Ensino in Riba d'Ave, Cooperativa de Ensino Alfacoop, in Ruílhe, and Escola Secundária Alcaides de Faria, in Barcelos, were the schools where Fibrenamics was able to share its knowledge.

School presentations are an activity that Fibrenamics has been carrying out for some years now, in order to disseminate and promote fiber-based knowledge. In this way, the potential and applications of fibers in the most diverse areas of activity are explored: medicine, sports, architecture, construction, transport, textiles and personal protection, whether they are already on the market or are still in the fundamental research phase.

The balance has been very positive, since the students have been very participative and curious. They have been very interested in the various application areas, especially with regard to architecture and civil construction. The medical aspect has also raised a lot of curiosity, essentially with regard to implantable medical devices. In these sessions the students were also able to directly contact with the most diverse materials, from carbon fibers, coconut and glass, to technologies developed by Fibrenamics as is the case of BCR (braided composite rods).

From the perspective of students Inês and Rita, from the Alcaides Faria Secondary School, the session was very enriching and interesting. "I found it very interesting and learned a lot, especially about the applications of fibers, there were things I had no idea, especially in the area of ​​transport" were the words of Inês. In turn, her colleague, and future engineer, Rita mentioned very enthusiastically: “I liked it a lot, it was a very advantageous session. I found it super interesting and I will sincerely consider this area”.

For Professor Pilar Mendez, one of those responsible for organizing one of the sessions, the balance was more than positive: “I loved it! This was a lesson for them. I think it did them good and I see that from the attitude they are having”. "If they were not so interested they were already in a hurry to leave and saying that they had to take the bus", the teacher also revealed in a joking tone.

This is an initiative that aims to make known the work that has been developed at Fibrenamics, but more than that, with young people being the future, it is important to bring them closer to the world of fibers, instilling and sensitizing them to the importance of scientific and technological innovation based on fibers.


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