Innovation and new product development are trends for 2016

21 Jan 2016News

Innovation and new product development are trends for 2016

Innovation and new product development are trends for 2016

Innovation is a determining factor to react to market fluctuations in the differentiation of products / processes, making it therefore the big bet for 2016.

With this trend in mind, the International Fibrenamics Platform at the University of Minho (UMinho) outlined a new global strategy for the advanced training cycle (Training) for this new year, betting, according to Bruno Pereira, platform training manager, “on updating and development of advanced scientific and technological competences, reinforcing the practical approach to content, highlighting the importance of areas such as innovation, differentiation and the development of new products according to trends and opportunities and the market ”.

In this sense, Fibrenamics is organizing the first advanced training course in 2016, whose theme is “Technical and Functional Textiles: technologies, innovations and opportunities” and which will take place on February 5th at the UMur Azurém campus, in Guimarães.

Aimed at senior technicians from companies, researchers and graduate students, this training is structured in three modules, all taught by specialists in the respective areas, has a total duration of 20 hours, and has the scientific coordination of Professor Raul Fangueiro , from the Fibrenamics Platform, and Technical-Pedagogical support from IDT Consulting.

The objective of this initiative is for participants to obtain and deepen advanced skills in the area of ​​technical and functional textiles, through the acquisition of knowledge of fibers and functional textile structures, through techniques of functionalization, characterization, case studies of real application in the most diverse culminating in the analysis of trends and market opportunities.


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