
01 Jan 2018 - 30 Sep 2020 Technology


Consortium for the Transfer of Scientific and Technological Knowledge.

MaisTEC presents a relevant response in promoting the competitiveness of the North Region, namely in the business sector, given that the project is aligned with the specialization present in the region Between the Douro and Vouga, by investing in the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge from the I&I system for companies, thus promoting the promotion of qualification in the region through technology.

The objectives defined within the scope of MaisTEC were outlined taking into account the diagnosis of the current reality, which is in line with the diagnosis present in the Operational Program of the Northern Region, Competitiveness and Internationalization, as well as the Partnership Agreement itself, in which they confirm that Portugal is characterized by the high rate of SMEs, a deficit in the incorporation of innovation and technology and incipient acceptance and induction of change and competitive upgrade of companies, which is mainly due to the existing failures in the articulation between the R&I System and the business fabric.
To this end, there is a need to invest
in the technological intensification of its production base, accompanied by the economic valuation of assets and resources intensive in knowledge in R & D + i in order to strengthen the regional economy.

MaisTEC asserts itself as an effort to leverage competitiveness and value creation, based on the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge. The project's focus is on areas that are in line with the region's specialization, such as: Production technologies; Polymers, composites and advanced materials; Molds; Materials; Energy; and Habitat. These areas are in line with the region's specialization and the needs inherent to the competitiveness of these sectors.
Thus, in line with the Northern Region's Smart Specialization Strategy, the MAIS Tec proj
ect intends to support technological intensification, the production of technologies, the production of final goods, and the production of knowledge and services in the areas of engineering. . Contributing with differentiating knowledge and technologies, capable of increasing added value in existing products and services, such as driving the emergence of new innovative concepts, present in the following processes: Digital manufacturing / manufacturing - Digital manufacturing; Freeform Fabrication - Freeform Fabrication; Additive Manufacturing - Additive Manufacturing; Fused Filament Fabrication - Fused Filament Modeling / Fused Filament Fabrication; Product Development / Design.

MaisTEC (NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000033) is promoted by the managed consortium of SANJOTEC.





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